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Help others by giving

Every person whose life is improved or saved, stems from an act of generosity that’s purely voluntary. That’s why donating is so extraordinary when you do it.


About Us

Who We Are

We are a network of individual & professional coordinators working together to meet the basic needs of evacuees, seniors, cancer warriors, MS, diabetes patients and families in need.

We are your next door neighbor, your coworker, your nurse, your home care aid, your doctor, your EMR agent or your friend.

“Rosy’s angels” is ever-growing and invites you to join our team!

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can Change the World. Indeed it's the only thing that ever has"
Margaret Mead
Our Mission

Our mission is to collaborate with all to eliminate food insecurity, and advocate solutions to curb the effects of COVID-19 in our City.

“Create a community where no citizen goes to bed hungry”

Our Goal

Our primary focus is food hampers or fuel gift fcards with a secondary focus on emergency prescriptions for our seniors, cancer patients and families in need. This group does not collect money directly nor does it create revenue of any sort, all efforts are voluntary and 100% of gifts received go directly to the recipients.

Get involved where it matters

Connect with us and make a real difference to the life of those in need.

Get Involved

Your generosity makes our work possible. Whether you contribute financially or as an advocate for good, your help makes a difference!

Learn more about our causes

We are based in Canada 🇨🇦, but have helped other countries including: Mexico 🇲🇽 Costa Rica 🇨🇷 El Salvador 🇸🇻 India 🇮🇳 Nicaragua 🇳🇮

We have angels all over the world!

Hope is everything

Your generosity makes our work possible. Whether you contribute financially or as advocate for good, you make a real and lasting difference in people’s lives.

We can assist people in a variety of languages – especially newcomers.

We can help in the following languages:

■ Portuguese
■ Italian
■ French
■ Spanish
■ Hindi
■ Punjabi
■ Gujarati
■ Arabic
■ Chinese
■ Tagalog
■ Sign Language

and more!

How to start?

If you would like to donate resources or volunteer your time, please contact us at or fill out the form at the bottom of this webpage.

We are here to help!

Are you in need of assistance?

Please email us at or fill out the form at the bottom of this webpage.

get involved

how you can help

Make a donation

Fundraising efforts will begin soon! Your generosity will help those in need.


We are always looking for help with events and distribution. Email us for more information!

Join our Efforts

If you know someone in need, let them know about our organization!

Our latest activity

We are looking for volunteers to gift wrap 150+ packages for distribution to children for Christmas!

Contact us today if you are able to help with donations of wrapping paper, tape, scissors, or deliveries!

So far we have helped
Thousands of People Since 1999


Do you have a question for us? Are you in need of assistance?

Email us at or fill in the form below: